Appetizers & Snacks

Turkey fruit platter – Thanksgiving appetizer for kids

19 listopada 2019 przez Aleksandra

Turkey fruit platter is a fun and easy Thanksgiving appetizer for kids. It’s a great opportunity for kids to help with Thanksgiving preparations. If you’re not celebrating Thanksgiving it would be a hit at any kids’ party. My little daughter was more than happy to eat the „bird”!

Other Thanksgiving dishes that I’m sure you’d enjoy are this turkey roulade with butternut squash and mushroom filling or pumpkin roll with orange cream cheese.

turkey fruit plattes - chopped fruits arranged in a shape of turkey on a wooden board
a close up shot on chopped fruits arranged in a shape of turkey on a wooden board

Turkey fruit platter

An easy Thanksgiving appetizer for kids
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turkey fruit platter
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czas przygotowania 10 min
czas gotowania 0 min
całkowity czas 10 min
porcje 1 platter
kalorie 668kcal
autor Aleksandra


  • 1 pear
  • 1 orange
  • 1 apple
  • 45 seedless grapes
  • 8 blueberries
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 kiwi
  • a small piece of red bell paprika

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  • Cut the pear lengthwise in half. One half will be the birds' "body", cut the other half into small cubes.
  • Cut the orange and apple into small cubes. Slice the bananas and kiwi.
  • Place the pear half on a big round serving tray. Arrange the fruit pieces around the pear (it should resemble the "tail").
  • Cut two small rounds out of pear or apple (the "eyes"), put 1 kiwi seed in the middle (the "pupil"). Cut two small holes with a pointed knife in the upper part of the pear and place the "eyes" in the holes.
  • Cut out the "legs" out of a piece of red bell paprika and place them under the pear.
  • Enjoy!


You can add any of your favorite fruit.
I don’t recommed sticking the fruits on a bamboo skewer. It’s a lot more work and doesn’t look much better.
Rodzaj Appetizer, Snack
Kuchnia international
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